DANIEL l'Hésychaste, ermite de Voroneţ , guide des moines de Moldavie
et père
spirituel de saint Etienne le Grand, voïvode de Moldavie dont
nous célébrons la
mémoire le 2 juillet (Roumanie, vers 1496). Saint
Daniel the Hesychast, the great wonderworker and instructor of
monastics, was born in Moldavia at the beginning of the fifteenth
century. He was baptized with the name Dumitru. When he was sixteen, he
became a monk of the monastery of St Nicholas at Radauti and received
the name David. His spiritual Father was St Leontius of Radauti (July
1). After many years of ascetical struggles, he became a chosen vessel
of the Spirit and was ordained to the holy priesthood.
Glasul al 8-lea:
Întru tine, Părinte, cu osârdie s-a mântuit cel după chip; căci luând Crucea, ai urmat lui Hristos; și luptând, ai învățat să nu se uite la trup, că este trecător; ci să poarte grijă de suflet, de lucrul cel nemuritor. Pentru aceasta și cu îngerii se bucură, Preacuvioase Părinte Daniile, duhul tău.
Întru tine, Părinte, cu osârdie s-a mântuit cel după chip; căci luând Crucea, ai urmat lui Hristos; și luptând, ai învățat să nu se uite la trup, că este trecător; ci să poarte grijă de suflet, de lucrul cel nemuritor. Pentru aceasta și cu îngerii se bucură, Preacuvioase Părinte Daniile, duhul tău.
Glasul al 3-lea:
Viață îngerească ai petrecut pe pământ, chip și pildă făcându-te ucenicilor tăi. Prin rugăciuni, posturi îndelungate și privegheri, te-ai învrednicit a sălășlui în pământul celor blânzi, Sfinte Daniil de Dumnezeu cinstitorule, podoaba sihaștrilor și lauda călugărilor.
Viață îngerească ai petrecut pe pământ, chip și pildă făcându-te ucenicilor tăi. Prin rugăciuni, posturi îndelungate și privegheri, te-ai învrednicit a sălășlui în pământul celor blânzi, Sfinte Daniil de Dumnezeu cinstitorule, podoaba sihaștrilor și lauda călugărilor.
lived for some years at the monastery of St Laurence in the Civoul de
Sus district. There he fulfilled his obediences during the day, and at
night he kept vigil, prayed, and wove baskets. He received the Great
Schema and the new name Daniel. He obtained the igumen's blessing to
live in the wilderness in solitude, where he devoted himself to
spiritual struggles. Around 1450, he lived near the Neamts Monastery by
Secu creek for fourteen years. In time, people discovered where he lived
and came to visit him. Longing for solitude, he moved to northern
Moldavia and chiseled out a cell for himself in the face of a cliff near
Putna creek. Next to it, he carved out a small chapel for prayer.
After his spiritual child St Stephen the Great (July 2) built the Putna
Monastery, which was consecrated in 1470, St Daniel moved near the
Voronets Monastery. Here too, he carved a small cell out of the rock
under Soim (Falcon) Cliff and lived a God-pleasing life for the next
twenty years. He guided many disciples in the principles of the
spiritual life, and he also had the gift of healing the sick of their
physical infirmities.
In 1488, when he was over eighty years old, St Daniel went to live at
the Voronets Monastery, where he was chosen to be the igumen.
St Daniel was a great ascetic and wonderworker, wise and clairvoyant.
People from near and far visited him seeking his spiritual advice, or to
confess their sins. He died in 1496 and was buried at the Voronet
Monastery, where people continue to venerate his tomb.
St Daniel was glorified by the Romanian Orthodox Church in 1992.
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